Interposer Heat Seal Bonding

The Interposer (or Interlayer) module is a reel-to-reel system used for all Hot Bar processes. The interposer can be supplied as automated reel-to-reel module or manual module driven by the operator for R&D purposes. Interposer tape is used between the thermode (hot bar) and the parts, for protection reasons and/or even-pressure distribution.
Interposer Module
Different models are standard available. First, there is a choice for manual or automated inter-poser modules and in case of automated, there is a choice of having the reels at the left and right side or having both reels at the left or both at the right side. The module consists of two mechanical subassemblies, that allows to use all kind of thermode lengths in between. Besides the tape guiding wheels, there is a broken-tape and feed-forwarding sensing functionality. The standard modules can be chosen for all Process Equipment and Desktop and Stand-Alone Systems, excluding the C-Tack laminating system.
Manual Interposer
The Manual Interposer Module consists of two connected reels. The tape is moved manually by the operator from one reel to the other. The guiding wheels keep the tape in place and the tape tension under control.
Automated Interposer
The automated version has motors connected to its reels for the feed-forwarding control. The feed-forward length and frequency can be automatically programmed. In the manual version, the operator has to feed forward the tape himself. The guiding wheels ensures the tape to be well aligned underneath the thermode.
Kapton Tape
Kapton interposer is used for Hot Bar Reflow Soldering because this tape is very thin and excellent in protecting the thermode for flux and/or solder material pollution. It is vital to keep the thermode clean for a constant and qualitative process. In most processes, the kapton has to be renewed every process cycle due to its extension by the heat and to avoid re-use of polluted material.
On request: Metal Tape
Metal tape is ideal for soldering wires because it has an excel-lent thermal conduction. It is particularly suitable for twisted wire soldering applications.
De Boelakkers 4, 5591 RA, Heeze
The Netherlands - info@c-techsystems.com
- +31 (0)6 - 28 92 4037
- https://www.c-techsystems.com
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